Birmingham,AL reasons to see dentist


In my experience of being a dentist in Birmingham, AL I have found these are the most tell-tale signs of needing to see a dentist

1.     Your teeth feel dirty

If you feel like your toothbrush isn’t getting the job done then it may be time for a professional cleaning and examination.

2.     You have bad breath

There are several things that can cause bad breath or halitosis.  Your dentist can fully access your oral cavity and determine what may be the cause.  Plaque buildup as well as tooth decay can be major causes of bad breath.

3.     Your gums bleed

There are 2 causes of periodontal disease and bleeding gums are a sure sign that you have periodontal disease.  Gingivitis and periodontitis are the two forms.  Your dentist will determine how severe your periodontal disease is and will help you to get your gums back healthy.

4.     Your teeth hurt

You need to see a dentist as soon as you begin feeling discomfort from a tooth.  It is best to catch a cavity before it gets too large.  Calling your dentist while the cavity is small could increase your chances of having to get a filling versus a root canal.

5.     Your teeth are yellow

Your dentist will perform a professional cleaning and determine if you are a candidate for a professional teeth whitening system.

6.     You have been diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes, or some other ailment

The bacteria in your mouth come from plaque and tartar buildup on your teeth can be dangerous to your health.  It can get into your bloodstream and cause complications with your cardiovascular system.

7.     You are a smoker

Smokers have a higher risk of periodontal disease and oral pathology.  Your dentist will do a complete examination of your mouth and are the first to discover any suspicious areas that may be present.

8.     You are missing teeth

Teeth are essential for chewing and are there to help food to digest properly.  If food is not digested properly you could cause problems with your digestive tract.

9.     You have broken teeth

If a tooth has broken then it makes the tooth more susceptible to bacteria getting into the nerve.  A root canal may need to be performed on the tooth.

10.                         Your teeth are loose

If an adult notices their teeth are becoming loose more than likely there is periodontal disease present.  Teeth are surrounded by bone and once a person starts to lose bone then the teeth become loose.