Birmingham Dentist talks teeth grinding

Do you wake up in the morning with headaches?  Does your jaw feel tight?  Do you feel like you may have been fighting in your sleep and that someone punched you in the face?  Tooth grinding and jaw clenching may be the answer to why you are experiencing those things in the morning. Because grinding often occurs during sleep, most people are unaware that they grind their teeth. However, a dull, constant headache or sore jaw is a telltale symptom […]

Birmingham, AL dentist replaces teeth

Are you tired of showing that gummy smile or covering your mouth when you laugh?  Are you ready to eat steak and other things that you just cannot enjoy without teeth?  Dentures may be your answer.  Dentures or false teeth are a removable appliance that is used to replace teeth. A denture can replace all of your teeth (complete denture) or it can replace a few teeth that are missing (partial denture).   Dentures are supported by the bone that was previously used to […]

Ask Dr. Hill

Hello everyone, Each month I will have a question submitted to me by one of my patients as my blog entry.  I hope that you find these questions and answers useful. This month we had this question submitted: Good morning, Dr. Hill, I have a quick question. I recently completed a dental form at your office and the form asked when was the date of my last Oral Cancer screening.  Is this a standard screening done in your office as […]

Dr. Hill helps sensitive teeth

Have you ever have that sharp pain that hits whenever you drink something cold? You may have one tooth or several teeth that are sensitive to temperature change.  Here are some causes of tooth sensitivity and some ways to relieve it: 1. The tooth has a cavity. one of the tell-tale signs of a cavity is sensitivity to cold and to sweets.  A visit to the dentist and x-ray will determine if a cavity is the cause of the sensitivity you are […]

Birmingham,AL reasons to see dentist

In my experience of being a dentist in Birmingham, AL I have found these are the most tell-tale signs of needing to see a dentist 1.     Your teeth feel dirty If you feel like your toothbrush isn’t getting the job done then it may be time for a professional cleaning and examination. 2.     You have bad breath There are several things that can cause bad breath or halitosis.  Your dentist can fully access your oral cavity and determine what may be the […]